Special Collections and University Archives
Stacey Krim
Spotlight on Instructional Outreach and Teaching
The Martha Blakeney Hodges Special Collections and University Archives has a strong commitment to student outreach, teaching up to 120 instructional sessions per semester. SCUA’s class sessions often incorporate a PowerPoint presentation, a related “pop-up” display of related archival material, and a hands-on primary source analysis. This exercise integrates a variety of items from across […]
Erin Lawrimore Runs for SAA President Erin Lawrimore, University Archivist and Associate Professor, was selected by the Society of American Archivists’ Nominating Committee to stand as a candidate for SAA Vice President/President Elect in their 2021 election. The election begins on March 31, and results will be announced in late April. Founded in 1936, the […]