Special Collections and University Archives

The Collector Michael Hughey’s connection to the Rare Book Collection began under Special Collections Librarian Emilie Mills. Their mutual friendship and her appreciation of his talents as a calligrapher led to the collaboration of his supplying the hand lettering of the covers for the Friends of the Library Annual Report during her tenure. In addition […]

The Betty H. Carter Women Veterans Historical Project, established at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1998, documents the contributions of women in the military and related service organizations since World War I. This project recently acquired three photo albums chronicling events and opportunities of individuals who served during World War II, belonging to Elna A. Jones, Arlene Mae Webb, and an album from California and Texas belonging to an unknown WAC.

by Suzanne Sawyer Martha Blakeney Hodges Special Collections & University Archives (SCUA) began collecting artists’ books in earnest during the 1970s. Within the collection, which falls under SCUA’s larger Book Arts Collection, are a rich variety of items by various book artists. The collection includes many different book structures and the content spans many different […]

by Beth Ann Koelsch Cindy Damm McPeters (PhD Candidate) who received the 2020-2021 Hephzibah Roskelly Award for Pedagogical Innovation at UNCG, has been working with me to integrate materials from the Women Veterans Historical Project into her undergraduate classes since 2018. The award “recognizes outstanding and inventive pedagogical practice in an undergraduate academic writing course. […]

by Audrey Dubois Author, historian, fixture of the North Carolina writers’ community: Emily Herring Wilson has carved a broad niche as a notable Woman’s College alumna. Her collected papers, held at SCUA, provide a snapshot of the North Carolina literary community, women’s history, and Woman’s College history. A graduate of the Woman’s College class of […]

Erin Lawrimore Runs for SAA President Erin Lawrimore, University Archivist and Associate Professor, was selected by the Society of American Archivists’ Nominating Committee to stand as a candidate for SAA Vice President/President Elect in their 2021 election. The election begins on March 31, and results will be announced in late April. Founded in 1936, the […]

RARE BOOKS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Indigenous Woman Indigenous Woman marries the traditional to the contemporary, the native to the post-colonial, and the marginalized to the mainstream in the pursuit of genuine selfhood, revealing cultural inequities along the way. This is a quest for identity. Of my own specifically, yes, but by digging my pretty, painted nails deeply into the dirt […]

by Patrick Dollar Since the state has been quarantining in place for the last eleven months, the North Carolina Literary Map decided to take everyone on a virtual tour around N.C. The North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame (NCLHOF), the NC Literary Map, and the NC Literary Review are launching the online NC Quarantine Literary […]
