Special Collections and University Archives

Erin Lawrimore Runs for SAA President

Erin Lawrimore, University Archivist and Associate Professor, was selected by the Society of American Archivists’ Nominating Committee to stand as a candidate for SAA Vice President/President Elect in their 2021 election. The election begins on March 31, and results will be announced in late April. Founded in 1936, the Society of American Archivists is North America’s oldest and largest national professional association dedicated to the needs and interests of archives and archivists. SAA represents more than 6,200 professional archivists employed by governments, universities, businesses, libraries, and historical organizations nationally.

Ballot Set for SAA Election:

Erin Lawrimore Participates in Roundtable Discussion

On Saturday, March 13, as part of the 2021 Southwestern Women’s Studies Association conference, University Archivist Erin Lawrimore participated in a roundtable discussion session with University Libraries colleagues Maggie Murphy and Melody Rood, Associate Faculty Chair for Grogan College Sarah Colonna, and Weatherspoon Art Museum Curator of Exhibitions Emily Stamey. Their discussion focused on their collaborative work in Colonna’s course, The Art of the Rebellion. Southeastern Women’s Studies Association Conference:

Kathelene McCarty Smith Speaks at Life@Elon

Kathelene McCarty Smith, Interim Head of the Martha Blakeney Hodges Special Collection and Assistant Professor, was the featured speaker at Life@Elon on January 19, 2021. This program, led by Elon faculty and area educators, is designed to offer non-credit learning opportunities to community members fifty and over. Life@Elon is a day-long event during which the featured speaker gives a talk on a topic chosen by the program committee. The two-hour presentation, “Mobilization, Sacrifice, and the Vote: Women Fight Back,” was given in the morning and the afternoon, with a time for questions and lunch. Life@Elon:

Stacey Krim and Mac Nelson Present at the Music Library Association Conference

Curator of Manuscripts, Stacey Krim, and Cello Music Cataloger, William “Mac” Nelson presented Engaging the Donor: A Collaborative Approach at the Music Library Association annual conference on March 1, 2021. The Music Library Association is the main professional organization for music libraries and librarians. MLA:

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