Special Collections and University Archives

The Martha Blakeney Hodges Special Collections and University Archives has a strong commitment to student outreach, teaching up to 120 instructional sessions per semester. SCUA’s class sessions often incorporate a PowerPoint presentation, a related “pop-up” display of related archival material, and a hands-on primary source analysis. This exercise integrates a variety of items from across […]

RARE BOOKS French Neo-Gothic Typography and Printing Masterpiece Jean Midolle. Recueil ou Alphabet de lettres initiales, historiques avec bordures et fleurons d’après le 14 et 15 siècles. Gand [Ghent], G. Jacqmain, 1846. The title leaf and 24 chromolithographic plates were printed on porcelain coated paper, one for each letter of the alphabet (I and J were interchangeable, and […]
