Special Collections and University Archives

photos courtesy of Paula Damasceno and Audrey Sage Alumna and retired UNCG Faculty member B. Burgin Ross donated a collection of West African artifacts she collected during her service in the Peace Corps in the 1970s in Southwest Liberia. The collection includes a ceremonial mask, a clay cooking pot; sifting basket; wooden mortar; mancala game; […]

Sande James-WascherRenton, WA 1994 -Audrey Sage Sande James-Wascher has created this informative artist book using images of quilted fabrics, postage stamps and historical photographs from the Library of Congress, Oregon Historical Society, Smithsonian, and Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College. She constructed this flag book in concertina style, which opens to reveal twenty-one card leaves in […]

Kathelene Smith and Beth Ann Koelsch present at the Society of American Archivists (SAA) Conference Kathelene and Beth Ann gave a virtual presentation about how the department shifted outreach, access, and instruction strategies during the pandemic lockdown for the SAA Reference, Access, & Outreach Section (RAO) “Annual Marketplace of IDEAS” First Fridays: SCUA members share […]

by Emilie Mills Thinking about the Special Collections Division as it was then known in the 1970s, I realize that is was the decade of “figuring it all out”. We had to bring together a variety of uncataloged book collections secured in a variety of locations (or, as it turned out, not so secure for […]

by Kathelene McCarty Smith Photographs taken by Dr. Anna Gove, the second resident “lady doctress” at the State Normal and Industrial College (now UNC Greensboro), have proved a rich source of both campus and local history. A native of New Hampshire, Gove arrived in North Carolina at 26 years of age, becoming one of the […]

RARE BOOKS French Neo-Gothic Typography and Printing Masterpiece Jean Midolle. Recueil ou Alphabet de lettres initiales, historiques avec bordures et fleurons d’après le 14 et 15 siècles. Gand [Ghent], G. Jacqmain, 1846. The title leaf and 24 chromolithographic plates were printed on porcelain coated paper, one for each letter of the alphabet (I and J were interchangeable, and […]

by Matthew McCarthy SCUA is pleased to highlight a recent acquisition for the Betty H. Carter Women Veterans Historical Project. SCUA’s acquisition includes two binders filled to the brim with an array of training materials an African American female student used for extensive training and later as an instructor for the U.S. Army’s Racial Awareness […]

by Beth Ann Koelsch On July 14 and 15, 2022 the library once again welcomed Latinx high school students who were taking part in the CHANCE (Campamento Hispano Abriendo Nuestro Camino a la Educación/Hispanic Camp Opening Our Path to Education) program. CHANCE encourages students to attend college by increasing their awareness of higher education and […]

by Audrey Sage As the Special Collections and University Archives continues in its efforts to develop, preserve and build their collections, I appreciate the immense responsibility it is to become a caretaker of these artifacts, these pieces of history that takes shape in so many different forms. If it were not for the caretakers of […]

by Audrey Sage We are featuring a wonderful volume from our historical cookbook collection – PIE ! by Patricia White. Our copy was gifted to our collection by Dr. Frieda Elaine Penninger,  This delicious collection of 77 pie recipes was published in 1969 by Simon and Schuster.  It contains recipes ranging in flavor from savory […]
