Special Collections and University Archives

by Emilie Mills Thinking about the Special Collections Division as it was then known in the 1970s, I realize that is was the decade of “figuring it all out”. We had to bring together a variety of uncataloged book collections secured in a variety of locations (or, as it turned out, not so secure for […]

RARE BOOKS French Neo-Gothic Typography and Printing Masterpiece Jean Midolle. Recueil ou Alphabet de lettres initiales, historiques avec bordures et fleurons d’après le 14 et 15 siècles. Gand [Ghent], G. Jacqmain, 1846. The title leaf and 24 chromolithographic plates were printed on porcelain coated paper, one for each letter of the alphabet (I and J were interchangeable, and […]

by Audrey Sage As the Special Collections and University Archives continues in its efforts to develop, preserve and build their collections, I appreciate the immense responsibility it is to become a caretaker of these artifacts, these pieces of history that takes shape in so many different forms. If it were not for the caretakers of […]

Summertime Potluck Suggestions -Audrey Sage As we quickly approach the warm summer days, we are greeted with the prospect of the ever popular potluck picnic. When you live in the south, the invitation to a friendly potluck will always bring to mind the southern favorite dish – potato salad. Within our collections you will find […]

This exhibit is on display in the Jackson Library Lobby from March 22 – September 10, 2010. On June 5, 2010, Jackson Library will celebrate sixty years of service to the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). Founding President Charles Duncan McIver once said, “a great library is the very heart of the literary […]
